Recognising Dyspepsia Symptoms
Recognising Dyspepsia Symptoms

Recognising Dyspepsia Symptoms

Millions of people suffer from GORD without even realising they have a long term medical condition.

The symptoms include abdominal pain after eating, bloated stomach, heartburn, belching, regurgitation, sore throat and nausea – all the dyspepsia symptoms that some people may get occasionally but will make life a misery on a regular basis. In some cases, dyspepsia symptoms include vomiting and acid reflux.

Mild cases of GORD can often be treated with medication and by making lifestyle changes such as following a dyspepsia diet and removing spicy or fried food or certain food groups from your diet.

Dyspepsia symptoms may also be caused by Gastritis a common condition caused by an erosion or inflammation of the stomach lining. Onset of gastritis can be sudden or in alternative scenarios, it builds up over time. It can easily be misdiagnosed as indigestion or IBS, so it is important to get any long-term symptoms checked out in order to find the best cure or dyspepsia treatment for your specific case.

The good news for sufferers is that there are some simple tests that can determine the cause of your dyspepsia symptoms.

One of these is the hydrogen breath test which tests for food intolerances such as lactose intolerance or fructose intolerance and simply requires you to breath into a test machine. If intolerance is the cause of your dyspepsia symptoms, then dietary changes may be enough to improve your condition.

Alternatively, you may be asked to swallow a smart pill. This pill, roughly the same size as a cod liver oil tablet, measures the function of the bowel and reports vital information from your gastrointestinal tract to highlight the cause of problems, including gastric diseases. Easy and painless, the capsule passes through your system in a few days.

The important issue to remember is that although dyspepsia is commonplace and hits all of us occasionally it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Therefore, it is important to get your dyspepsia symptoms checked out, to both improve your daily life as well as prevent against future problems.


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