Webinar: Diagnosis and Management of Throat Symptoms
Webinar: Diagnosis and Management of Throat Symptoms

Webinar: Diagnosis and Management of Throat Symptoms

In response to the latest recommendations from the BMJ and NIHR that PPIs should not be used to treat throat symptoms, we arranged an expert discussion.

Watch the webinar back as we explore the diagnosis of throat symptoms, and how these can be managed conventionally and surgically.

Part 1: A frog in the throat – when PPIs just won’t do

Dr Kinesh Patel, Consultant Gastroenterologist (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London)

Part 2: Not all reflux is equal – unmasking the hidden culprits

Dr Anthony Hobson, Clinical Scientist (Functional Gut Clinic, London)

Part 3: Surgical and non-surgical antireflux procedures

Mr Marcus Reddy, Consultant Surgeon (St George’s University Hospital, London)


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